Ask any criminal defense lawyer to tell you a few myths they've heard, and the hard part will be to get them to stop naming things. The law can seem mysterious, and a lot of people only learn about it from television and movies. This can lead to plenty of myths, and it's helpful to learn about a few of the big ones before you visit a criminal lawyer.
Hearsay Is Inadmissible
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When you hear that someone has been assaulted, you might just naturally picture a situation where contact is made in a violent manner. If you or a loved one has been arrested for assault, it's important to get your facts right so you can understand how to get through the criminal process. Read on to find out more about what assault is and what it's not.
Not About Contact
The first thing to understand about the legal definition of assault is that it's not about making contact with another person.
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It's the call every parent dreads. Just the sound of the phone in the middle of the night can strike fear in your heart. Regardless of how old your child may be, thoughts of a child that is injured, or worse, flash through your mind. When the call turns out to be a request for help from a jail cell, there is relief knowing that your loved one is safe, but a new problem arises.
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When a car accident leaves you injured, you naturally are concerned with seeking medical treatment as soon as possible. The cost, location, transportation, and other details are seldom considered until the bills arrive. Unfortunately, medical care can be astronomically expensive, and you might need to take steps if your needs are not being met. Read on to learn more about ensuring that you receive adequate coverage of your medical expenses.
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